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- M I D I P L A Y E R T I P S
- Text by John Serafino
- NOTE: These tips assume that you have
- a MULTI-TIMBRAL synthesizer or tone
- generator hooked up to your computer!
- MIDI Setup
- ----------
- I have found that most Stereo
- SIDs are set up as follows:
- Voice Function
- ----- --------
- 1 Melody
- 2 First chord note
- 3 Bass
- 4 Melody, usually an exact
- duplicate of voice #1
- 5 Second chord note
- 6 Bass, usually an exact
- duplicate of voice #3
- Out of 500+ Stereo SIDs that I
- have on my hard drive, I would say
- 90% of them are set up this way.
- As you can see, the only difference
- between the first three SID voices
- and the last three is SID VOICE 2 and
- 5.
- Sometimes the melody on voice 4
- is slightly delayed, to create an
- "echo" effect.
- Sometimes the bass on channel 3
- or 6 also contains a "percussion"
- sequence.
- When creating a MIDI setup, I set
- things up as follows:
- SID voice 1 set to channel 1 with
- a lead instrument such a vibes,
- trumpet, flute, sax, etc.
- SID voices 2, 3, 4 and 5 set to
- channel 2 with a chord type
- instrument such as piano, electric
- piano, guitar, organ, etc.
- SID Voice 6 set to channel 3 with
- a bass guitar-type sound.
- Some SIDs were written with
- "percussion" on one or more of the
- voices. If you encounter a SID like
- this you have two choices: select a
- synthesizer percussion sound, or mute
- the channel.
- Variations: Set the bass on SID
- voice 3 and/or the melody on SID
- voice 4 up or down an octave. This
- will "fatten" the sound of the music
- up considerably. It also gives the
- individual voices "more room",
- musically speaking. It's best to
- experiment and let your ears be the
- judge, but I've found lowering voice
- 3 and raising voice 4 yields the best
- results. NOTE: Sometimes the
- duplicated SID voices will already be
- set an octave apart... you will be
- able to see this by the colors on the
- equalizer.
- I have found that most MONO SIDs
- are set up as follows:
- Voice Function
- ----- --------
- 1 Melody
- 2 Chord note
- 3 Bass
- And since MIDI player
- automatically duplicates the first
- three voices:
- 4 Melody
- 5 Chord note
- 6 Bass
- NOTE: the last three voices of a
- MONO SID are exactly the same as the
- first three.
- I usually set things up exactly
- like a stereo SID, but play with the
- octaves on all of the last three
- voices. To me, this helps quite a
- bit.
- Classical SIDs usually sound best
- if you stick to ONE instrument for
- all voices.
- If you mute a voice permanently,
- also set that voice to an unused
- channel number.
- -----------
- MIDI Players have been around for
- quite a while, most or all of them
- available as shareware or freeware on
- online services.
- I've downloaded, used, and
- examined several of them, and tried
- to incorporate and improve on all of
- the features that I found important
- in this version.
- Aside from obvious improvements
- such as point-and-click operation,
- CMD support, etc. the most important
- and much-needed improvement is the
- ability to set your synthesizer/tone
- generator up for a specific SID from
- WITHIN the program, and have this
- setup automatically reload whenever
- you play that SID again. The
- following text attempts to explain
- this a bit more.
- The following is a list
- describing each of the items that may
- be set for EACH of the six SID voices
- (and why you would want to use them):
- ----
- A voice is "muted" or turned off
- by pressing one of the 6 buttons
- under the sliders in the mixer
- window.
- When a voice is muted, the
- program sends the data for this voice
- to the synth with a velocity of zero.
- This effectively turns the voice
- off. You can use MUTE to turn off
- SID voices temporarily while trying
- to find out what patches sound best
- for other SID voices.
- Sometimes SIDs contain
- "percussive" sequences on one or more
- voices (which will sound like
- repeating high notes) which you can
- mute permanently. It's best to also
- assign these voices to an unused
- channel.
- -------
- The real-time sliders control the
- MIDI VELOCITY of the SID voice.
- Velocity can be thought of as how
- "hard" the note is played. Velocity
- almost always affects the VOLUME of
- the note, and frequently affects the
- timbre or "sharpness" of the note.
- The sliders can be used to adjust the
- VOLUME of a particular SID voice,
- even if a group of voices are
- assigned to the same channel.
- ------------
- Some synth patches are programmed
- in such a way that VELOCITY
- information affects the TIMBRE a lot
- and the VOLUME very little (the
- opposite of what we want). This
- situation is likely to arise on organ
- and bass guitar patches. Use the MIDI
- VOLUME function to reduce the volume
- of such instruments as needed, and
- tweak the timbre with the SLIDERS.
- -----------
- This feature sends MIDI standard
- PATCH change information OVER THE
- instrument(s).
- ------------
- This selects the MIDI channel
- that the notes and data of the SID
- voice will be sent over. The MIDI
- channel must correspond to how your
- instrument is set up.
- ------
- This allows you to raise or lower
- the notes of the SID voice by one
- octave.
- Use this function to "separate"
- duplicate SID voices, making the
- sound "fatter", or to make the octave
- of the SID voice more appropriate for
- the synth patch you've chosen.
- * There are two ways as I see it to
- set up a Multi-Timbral synth to use
- with this program: Instruments 1 to 6
- are set to channels 1 to 6, and each
- get 1 note. All six SID voices are
- assigned to channels 1 to 6. If that
- is how you will set things up, you
- will not have a problem.
- But, I have had better sounding
- results setting the synth up like
- this: Instrument 1 will always be
- used for the "lead", 1 note, channel
- 1. Instrument 2 will always be used
- for the "chord", 4 notes, channel 2.
- Instrument 3 will always be used for
- the "bass", 1 note, channel 3.
- Instrument 5 is used occasionally as
- needed, 1 note, channel 4.
- Instrument 6 is set up exactly as
- instrument 1 (Channel 1, one voice)
- and detuned by a few cents to give a
- nice true "chorus" sound. The SID
- voices are then assigned to the
- channels keeping the note
- restrictions and the function of the
- SID voice in mind (see "Tips" for an
- explanation of usual SID voice
- functions).
- If you set things up like this,
- or in a similar way, it's important
- to remember that the LAST MIDI VOLUME
- and PATCH setting (the highest
- numbered SID voice) is the only one
- that will be in effect for a
- particular channel:
- -------------------------------
- 1 jazz trumpet 127 1
- 2 grand piano 100 2*
- 3 bass guitar 100 3
- 4 e. piano 127 2*
- 5 e. piano 2 115 2*
- 6 cello 127 4
- In this example, you will notice
- *3 SID voices assigned to channel
- two. Channel two will receive THREE
- patch and volume change commands, one
- for SID voices 2, 4 and 5...but it
- will remember only the last one, the
- one for SID voice 5. ASSIGNing SID
- voices 2 and 4 to different patches
- or MIDI volumes at this point will
- have no effect, because it will be
- "overwritten" in the synth by SID
- voice 5!
- TIP: I usually assign the lowest
- numbered SID voices to the "blank"
- patch in the patch list to make
- things easier to read. Only the last
- SID Voice of the channel needs a
- patch name:
- -----------------------------
- 1 jazz trumpet 127 1
- 2 100 2*
- 3 bass guitar 100 3
- 4 127 2*
- 5 e. piano 2 115 2*
- 6 cello 127 4
- Another important thing to
- remember is that if a SID does not
- have a corresponding setup file, it
- will use the default setup loaded
- into memory at boot time. The user
- may choose any setup to be the
- default by saving one with the
- filename of "default", IN the PROGRAM
- directory (or on the program disk).
- Also, a library of up to 30 of these
- default files may be saved and loaded
- from each disk/directory at any
- time.
- JS